Fiber Broadband

For Business Customers

Fiber Broadband

For Business Customers

Fast, reliable Internet connectivity with great service has become the standard expected by the majority of businesses. We can provide your business with a Fiber Optic Internet that offers a superfast connection, low latency and flexible bandwidth. A direct connection between our network and your premises ensures your internet remains undisrupted, at all times of the day. We monitor your connectivity 24/7, so in the highly unlikely event of downtime, our engineers will be ready to get your internet up and running again in the quickest time possible


  • Stable Speed

  • Speeds of
    up to 100 Gbps

  • Static
    IP address

  • 24/7 proactive support
    and monitoring

  • Simmetrical upload
    and download speed

  • No need for
    telephone lines

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